- file name: mwmap_1029_bialystock - document title: Bialystok Degree Map ca. 1889/1939 - original image dimensions @ 400dpi: 5996px x 10080px - map type: regional, degree - map date: ca. 1889 - map geographical coverage: 1 degree longitude and 1 degree latitude centered around 41E/53N relative to the Ferro Meridian (approx. 53N/23E modern IERS reference), including Białystock, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland - GPS coordinates of map center (approx.): 53.0000, 23.3372 - current place name: Białystok - key places shown: Białystock, Knyszyn, Sokólka, Kleszczele, Puszcza Białowieska - map description: Photocopy of sheet 41/53 of the Generalkarte von Mitteleuropa (General Map of Central Europe) produced by the Austro-Hungarian Empire around 1889, reprinted in the late 1930s. One of 266 original sheets which spanned the Empire, this sheet is a 'degree' map covering one degree in both latitude and longitude on a center near Białystok, Poland as defined in the earlier Ferro meridian system. The map features towns with prominent buildings indicated schematically, roads, rail lines and stations, waterways, and significant political and agricultural divisions. In addition to the city of Białystock, the towns of Knyszyn, Sokólka, Kleszczele are shown along with more than a hundred villages, plus a part of the primeval Puszcza Białowieska (Białowieża Forest). - notes: Copy of an original K.u.K. military institute map, re-issued by the Hauptvermessungsabteilung (main survey department) XIV in Vienna under German rule. This map is adjacent to map mwmap_1078_vawkavysk.