- file name: mwmap_1009_hoshcha - document title: Goshcha (Hoshcha) Town Plan Late 20th Century - original image dimensions @ 400dpi: 10555px x 13560px - map type: planning, street - map date: unknown late 20th c. - map geographical coverage: entire town of Hoshcha, Rivne Oblast, Ukraine - GPS coordinates of map center (approx.): 50.600, 26.675 - current place name: Hoshcha - key places shown: Hoshcha, Rivne Oblast, Ukraine - map description: Redline print of an urban planning/street map of Hoshcha, Rivne Oblast, Ukraine, undated but likely late 20th century. Annotations and streets are labeled in Russian language. Identifies and numbers 82 buildings and sites of significance on the map and in a legend. Includes handwritten notes indicating the location of historical Jewish sites (synagogue, cemetery, house) and two administrative buildings. - notes: